1. To check up planeness of a surface of a head of the block of cylinders interfaced to the block of cylinders by means of a steel ruler and a set measuring probeов. If неплоскостность 0,05 mm a head of the block of cylinders there are more is subject to replacement. |
2. To check up a condition and diameter of bearings of camshafts. If diameter exceeds the limiting size, the head of the block of cylinders is subject to replacement. |
3. To check up a condition of necks and cams of camshafts. |
4. To check up a condition of working surfaces of hydraulic pushers of valves. At their considerable deterioration in an operating time at the top part of the engine there is a characteristic noise. |
5. To check up a condition and diameter of nests under hydraulic pushers of valves. If diameter of nests exceeds the limiting size, the head of the block of cylinders is subject to replacement. |