1985-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Ford Skorpio
+ 1.1. Car identification
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
   - 3.1. Engine OHC
      3.1.1. A technical characteristics
      - 3.1.2. Service and repair Engine adjustment
         + The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine Removal and engine installation
         - Engine repair
   Engine dismantling
   Identification of co-operating parts
   Engine assemblage
   Replacement of pistons
   Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft
   System timing
   Start of the engine after major repairs Greasing system Ventilation system картера
   + 3.2. Engine DOHC
   + 3.3. Engine V6
   + 3.4. Ignition and engine management systems
   + 3.5. Diesel engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Coupling
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. Wheels and tyres
+ 13. A body
+ 14. An electric equipment Replacement of pistons

The prevention

Always it is necessary to replace the complete set of four pistons together with fingers. In case of need grindings of one cylinder it is necessary to grind all and to replace all pistons together with fingers. Identical diameter also means that they have identical weight that, in turn, is a condition of correct balancing of the engine.

1. To squeeze out on a press fingers of pistons.
2. To lay rods on a plate and to check up, whether they are deformed.
3. To establish the adaptation 21.014 in a vice and to extend against the stop its directing finger.
4. To establish in the same direction the piston a sign "Front", and also a rod an oil spray.
5. To arrange the piston in the adaptation so that an arrow at the bottom of the piston has been directed forward.
6. To insert against the stop directing finger into a piston aperture.
7. To press a piston finger into an aperture in stop on a piston opposite side so that its head it was made even to internal edge of foot.
8. To establish in the adaptation the remote plug corresponding to given type of the engine.
9. To put on a head of a rod signs the handle "thermochrome" (Faber-Castell 2815) and to heat up it while colour of a sign will not change on the colour corresponding to external colour of the handle. It means that the rod head has heated up to the temperature necessary for запрессовки of a finger in the plug of a head (260–300С).
10. Quickly to transfer a rod and to place it in the piston on an adjusting shaft. To insert a piston finger against the stop.
11. To wait, while the rod will not cool down and to check up correctness of connection of the piston with a rod.