1. To check up a flywheel on presence of damages, a flywheel wreath – on presence of deterioration and damages. |
2. If the wreath has strongly worn out or on it there is an absent tooth, it is necessary to replace a wreath. The old wreath can be removed, having made has spent on drink between two teeths, and then to bring down a chisel. |
3. Installation of a new gear wreath on a flywheel demands heating of a wreath to 204 S.Eto is carried out by uniform heating of a flywheel by a blowtorch until heated up surfaces will not get a light yellow shade. |
The prevention Not to overheat a wreath, differently it прочностные properties will be lost.
4. The wreath has an oblique inside of teeths which should be turned to a starter. When the wreath will be heated-up enough, quickly to establish it into place, if necessary to tap, and to cool a natural way. |