1985-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Ford Skorpio
+ 1.1. Car identification
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
   + 3.1. Engine OHC
   + 3.2. Engine DOHC
   - 3.3. Engine V6
      3.3.1. A technical characteristics
      3.3.2. The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine
      3.3.3. Engine removal
      - 3.3.4. Dismantling and check of details of the engine Engine dismantling Check of degree of deterioration of details of the engine Axis knot коромысел Pushers of valves and a bar of pushers A camshaft Heads of the block of cylinders Cylinders Check and restoration of pistons and piston rings Piston fingers and rods A cranked shaft Radical and шатунные bearings Distributive gear wheels A flywheel
         + Greasing system Ventilation system картера
         + Engine assemblage Adjustment of backlashes of valves Auxiliary details of the engine Engine installation Start of the engine after major repairs or restoration
      + 3.3.5. Changes in a design of engines V6 2,4 and 2,9 дм3
   + 3.4. Ignition and engine management systems
   + 3.5. Diesel engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Coupling
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. Wheels and tyres
+ 13. A body
+ 14. An electric equipment

3.3.4. Dismantling and check of details of the engine Engine dismantling

Engine V6
1 – the case of the thermostat,
2 – the thermostat,
3 – the water pump,
4 – a mechanism cover timing,
5 – the union of a bypass hose,
6 – an inlet collector,
7 – a persistent plate of a camshaft,
8 – a gear wheel of a camshaft,
9 – a gear wheel of a cranked shaft,
10 – a flywheel,
11 – the bearing,
12 – a back sealing ring,
13 – a drive of the oil pump,
14 – a cover of the radical bearing,
15 – the oil pump

The bent wire for extraction of pushers of valves

If there is a possibility – to establish the engine on the stand if is not present, – to establish so that the engine could not be damaged at unscrewing of hardly tightened nuts and bolts.

At dismantling it is very important to observe cleanliness not to admit pollution of the disassembled components. Before to start dismantling, to clear the engine outside by means of kerosene or if it is very polluted by solvent.

In the absence of the special stand for engine dismantling to make dismantling on a wooden support. It is impossible to make dismantling directly on concrete to a floor as concrete particles become a pollution source.

When details are removed from the engine, to wash out them in kerosene. Never to immerse in kerosene the details having internal lubricant channels, similar details should be wiped carefully a fabric moistened in kerosene, and lubricant channels to clean a wire rope.

Fine details are recommended to be stored in suitable capacities, thus, details will not be lost, and it is not necessary to search for them at the subsequent assemblage.

At engine dismantling to keep old linings, they will serve as the sample for manufacturing of linings, in case of absence of new ready linings.

In spite of the fact that нижеперечисленные details can be removed separately, i.e. without removing the engine, it is recommended to remove them during engine dismantle after the engine is removed:

 – The carburettor or components of system of injection of fuel;
 – The ignition distributor;
 – The fuel pump;
 – The water pump;
 – The alternating current generator;
 – The pump of the amplifier of a steering (at a detachment from system).

The prevention

Dismantling of the carburettor engine is described. Dismantling of engines on models with fuel injection is made in a similar way taking into account that at removal of details of system of injection of fuel it is necessary to pay attention to an exact site of details that subsequently they could be correctly established on their former places.

1. To merge oil in the corresponding container (if it has not been made earlier).
2. To unscrew the oil filter by means of a belt or chain key.
3. To take probe for measurement of level of oil.
4. In some models of cars to unscrew by means of a wrench on 37 mm a special nut which the lengthening arm fastens to an oil radiator. To remove an arm together with washers and a sealing ring. To unscrew the central plug and to remove an oil radiator together with a lining.
5. To remove coupling. To pay attention to position of installation of a disk of coupling.
6. To remove basic arms of the engine.
7. To remove the pump of the amplifier of a steering and приводной a belt.
8. To unscrew a bolt of fastening of a clamping flange of the distributor of ignition and to take the distributor from the block of cylinders.
9. To unscrew two bolts with which the arm of a single pulley drive a belt of the pump of the amplifier of a steering fastens to the top cover, and to remove an arm and a pulley.
10. To weaken bolts of fastening of the generator of an alternating current and to lift the generator, to remove a fan belt. To unscrew three bolts with which the basic arm of the generator of an alternating current fastens to the block of cylinders, and to remove the generator with an arm.
11. To remove from the water pump the fan and a pulley.
12. To disconnect from the carburettor топливопровод and to remove the ventilation valve картера (if it is established) from a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
13. To weaken fixing collars and to disconnect a hose from the union for release of water and bypass a hose from the thermostat case.
14. To unscrew four bolts of fastening, to remove the carburettor and an intermediate flange from an inlet collector.
15. To unscrew bolts of covers of a head of the block of cylinders and to remove covers.
16. To unscrew fixing bolts of axes клапанных коромысел and to remove axes (drawing at the left) and маслоотражательные guards (drawing on the right). Pay attention to a direction of installation of guards. To put labels on axes клапанных коромысел for the subsequent installation on former places.
17. To remove bars of pushers. To put them to corresponding axes клапанных коромысел, for repeated installation on former places.
18. To unscrew fixing bolts of inlet and final collectors and to remove collectors. As at installation of an inlet collector hermetic is used, it is necessary to take advantage of a screw-driver to disconnect a collector, however, never to have a screw-driver between contact surfaces of an inlet collector and the block of cylinders.
19. Consistently to unscrew bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders; the order of unscrewing of bolts should be the return to an order of their tightening.
20. To remove heads of the block of cylinders. If the head does not act in film, it is necessary to break integrity of consolidation between the block of cylinders and a head, having shaken a head. If it does not help, it is possible to try by means of sharp blows by a hammer with a soft shock part to release a head. Not to strike at all a metal hammer directly on a head: it can destroy fragile casting. It is impossible to separate also a head, inserting a screw-driver or a chisel between it and the block of cylinders as thus it is possible to damage interfaced surfaces of these details.
21. To remove linings of heads of cylinders.
22. To unscrew two bolts with which the fuel pump fastens to the block, then to remove the pump, a lining and draught of lever transfer.
23. To unscrew and remove the gauge of pressure of oil.
24. To unscrew a bolt which the pulley of a cranked shaft fastens, and to remove a pulley. If the pulley is fixed on демпфере fluctuations, also to unscrew the central bolt демпфера.
25. To note position of a flywheel concerning a cranked shaft, subsequently to establish in the same position.
26. To block a flywheel, then to unscrew six bolts with which the flywheel fastens to a cranked shaft, and to remove a flywheel.
27. To remove a back plate of the engine.
28. To establish the engine on an end face and by means of the bent copper wire (fig. the Bent wire for extraction of pushers of valves see) to take pushers of valves. To put pushers to corresponding bars of pushers, subsequently to establish in former apertures.
29. To unscrew bolts of fastening of the oil pallet and to remove the pallet and a pallet lining.
30. To unscrew a reception tube from the oil pump and to remove linings.
31. To unscrew two bolts (are specified by arrows in drawing at the left) and to remove the oil pump. To remove a power shaft (it is specified by an arrow in drawing on the right) oil pump, having paid attention to installation position.
32. To uncover картера couplings.
33. To unscrew a back branch pipe of the thermostat of system of cooling. To remove a lining.
34. To unscrew bolts with which the water pump fastens to a cover of a drive of the distributive mechanism, and to remove the water pump.
35. To unscrew bolts of the case of the thermostat, to remove the case and to take the thermostat. To disconnect a back branch pipe of a water highway.
36. To unscrew bolts with which the cover of a drive of the distributive mechanism fastens to a forward part of the block of cylinders, and to uncover.
37. To remove ring consolidations which are not subject to a reuse.
38. To unscrew a bolt which the camshaft gear wheel fastens to a camshaft, and to remove a gear wheel.
39. To unscrew fixing bolts of a forward intermediate plate and to remove an intermediate plate.
40. To unscrew two fixing bolts of a persistent flange of a camshaft and to take a camshaft together with a persistent ring, then to remove a lamellar spring and a lining.
41. If it is necessary to remove a gear wheel of a cranked shaft, using for removal a usual stripper.
42. To check up identification labels on covers шатунных bearings and rods (drawing at the left) to make sure of conformity of covers to rods and subsequently to establish groups of details on corresponding places. On the bottoms of pistons there are the labels (arrow) specifying in the forward party (drawing on the right). Arrows on the piston bottom should be directed to a forward part of the engine.
43. To unscrew nuts of covers of rods and to arrange on the one hand in that order in which they acted in film.
44. To remove covers of rods, to arrange for storage in a corresponding order, having paid attention to an installation direction. Also to track that loose leaves were stored with corresponding rods if only they are not subject to replacement. If covers of rods do not act in film, slightly to knock on them with a hammer with soft the brisk.
45. To remove the loose leaf, press it opposite to a flute in a rod and a cover, the loose leaf will easily act in film.
46. Pushing with the hammer handle from below, take the piston and a rod upwards from the cylinder.
47. To check up that on radical bearings there are the identification labels, allowing to establish them in the necessary positions at assemblage. On covers of bearings their numbers (are specified by arrows And and) are put down, and the arrow specifies in a forward part of the engine. It is necessary to notice that on the engine in volume of a cover of 2,8 l with numbers 2 and 3 fasten longer bolts with convex heads.
48. To unscrew bolts of fastening and to remove covers of radical bearings and the bottom loose leaves; loose leaves should be stored with corresponding covers.
49. At removal of a cover of the back radical bearing to remember that it also keeps a back sealing ring of a cranked shaft.
50. At removal of a cover of the radical bearing №3 to pay attention to an arrangement of two persistent half rings.
51. To take a cranked shaft from картера and to remove a back sealing ring.
52. To take from картера the bottom loose leaves of radical bearings and the top persistent half rings of the bearing № 3, to arrange them for storage with corresponding covers of radical bearings.